Saturday, March 7, 2015

One Door Closes, Another Door Opens

This is the end of this blog.  Or at least a long break.

It's hard to post about creative projects several times a week.
and a good blog needs to be fed more than I can manage.

 I have a job
and sometimes that leads
to a creative post
and I have a family.  Although my children a lot older than my school children - life can still get busy!  And my favorite hobby of quilt making takes a long time!

And the biggest reason for ending this blog?  I have written several children's books -
and I want to get published!
I have read an article about a book titled "Five Pages a day: A Writer's Journey" by Peg Kehret.  In her book she advises writer's to start with just five minutes a day and this will eventually lead to five pages a day.
Discipline.  Must write every day.  So this blog must take a back seat to my ambition of being a published children's book author.

   Am I still going to post something eye catching in the real world?  Of course!

Am I still going to post when I swap out my hanging quilt in the living room?
Yes, here's March.  

Am I still going to post when a recipe I made came out great

and a new decorating project or tip? 

 I am a creative person - I will have to post that too!

But with writing everyday - even as little as five minutes a day, I will be getting the discipline and exercise I need in addition to the fun projects
like Gabriel Rabbit!  Here is the topiary's progress
It's coming along, 
just way slower than I thought it would be.

I'll be around!
