A Treat for My College Boy
in a Hot Part of the Country
My son loves to get cookies in the mail, it isn't something he is going to make on his own, although his summer school apartment has an oven - it will not be used. And, he likes homemade better,
I had this recipe from ages ago - I think one of Joanne Fluke
mystery books - she always includes several recipes. This one is called Chocoholic Cookies - and it is death by chocolate!
If it's too hard to read from the photograph I will type it out later. I am currently at my mother in laws and to make matters worse, I don't have the recipe with me and it's raining!
I mailing them to my college boy - who is in the deep south right now with a school internship. How gross will it be to come home to melted chocolate cookies? Totally gross!
I took an empty coffee pod can (I love my espresso machine! especially with cookies!) and packed the cookies in there
I added a note that Matthew should put the can in the freezer for a while - then enjoy the cookies! He can buy some cookies or treats in the future and use the can for storage or a cold cookie jar in the south!

I also use the cans for storage
p.s. skip the shortening! It's used only for the white chocolate topping - which is not needed. The cookies are super chocolately already and white chocolate, unless the expensive kind, is so fake tasting. I bought the regular white baking chips and lard, and I am sorry!
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