A Quilt for Jack
When my son was in high school he was a part of the football team. He's just about done with college now and I believe it's time to replace his high school quilt - he doesn't play college ball
It was a fun pattern and the #9 was his number - but it's getting on to be 8 years old, so it's time for an upgrade! I didn't realize how wrinkled it get with the dog sleeping on it.

He misses his boy (me too)
My son is attending West Virginia University and I found a pattern of what looks a lot like the

mountains of West Virginia in Winter

so I made it for him as a surprise!
The surprise was on me! I could tell by the look on his face that it wasn't what he had in mind. You know your kid (one thinks!) and I told him to be honest with me. Honestly, after four years of brutal winters, this isn't what he wants. Well, yah, that makes perfect sense now that he said it! Which is fine, I have fallen in love with it and the quilt is now hanging in my "winter" living room!

As it would turn out - it wasn't what he was thinking of.
Flying Geese maybe? Nope. I had saved a photo of "Work Clothes" from the Quilts of Gee's Bend collection - bingo! He loves it!

If you don't know the story of the Quilts of Gee's Bend - you should.

I don't know who created "Work Clothes" but this looks similar and this quilt was created by Beatrice Pettway.

Now that I have my inspiration, time to get started.
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